Pinhole Photography: 4×5 Field Camera Techniques and Tools

In this article, I share my approach to crafting images with a 4×5 field camera with interchangeable pinholes attached to a dedicated lens board. I’ll explain my rationale for choosing this method over a basic 4×5 box pinhole camera, outlining its pros and cons. Additionally, we’ll explore the offerings from two pinhole makers who provide different design approaches to interchangeable pinholes. I’ll also detail my process for metering the correct exposure, complete with a downloadable 4×5 Pinhole F/Stop & Exposure Factor Chart. Finally, I’ll discuss my preferred film choice and the reasons behind it. Let’s get started.

Panorama In Pieces

In the beginning … While away on a quick personal trip to Marietta, Georgia, I tried using my favorite point-and-shoot camera, the Fujifilm x100t for panorama making. Earlier in the week, I instructed my students to make a panorama using Lightroom (LR), vertical...