How To Use The Zone System In Photography

Even though the Zone System is over 80 years-old, it is still relevant today whether shooting modern films or digital capture. This article is for photographers wanting to learn more about the Zone System for their particular workflow. We will look at how the Zone System works with a classic film-to-darkroom workflow, and a hybrid film-to-digital workflow. If you are strictly a digital photographer, you will find a better understanding of what the Zone System can offer you as well.

Pinhole Photography: A Simple Guide to Achieving Perfect Exposure Without Gadgets

The pinhole camera is a camera without a lens, and it’s sometimes referred to as a “camera obscura.” It has been used for centuries to explore the principles of light and optics and is now commonly used in education and art. Some photographers enjoy making pinhole cameras using everyday objects like cigar boxes and paint cans, while others enjoy creating with CNC machining and wood crafting. In contrast, others prefer ready-made pinholes that can be used with their existing cameras or pinhole cameras manufactured by someone else.

4×5 Film Holders: Care & Carry

[ 4×5 FILM HOLDER + PASTRY BRUSH + SPG TRIPLE SLEEVE ] In photography school, I was taught to use a pastry brush to clean the dust out of my film holders. I still use this technique today, and it works, or I would have changed it to something else long ago. Get a...