
Mercury Classic

I share images of classic cars made with the Sigma SD1 Merrill and Sigma 35mm f/1.4 Art Lens from a trip to an antique car show in Gadsden County, Florida.

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Learn about the Fujifilm APS-C system, including the X-Pro, X100, and X-E2 cameras, Neopan Acros black-and-white film, and Instax film options. Explore the features, lenses, and accessories that make Fujifilm a favorite choice for photographers.

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Digitizing Film Part 1: Copy Stands, Film Holders, Medium Format

I often get asked by other photographers how I digitize my film. Explaining the tools and my digitizing process would create too long of a post, so I will start with what tools I use in this post and share my process later. The information I share about the tools I use is not meant to be a commercial for selling these products. If you choose to purchase what I share in this article, I hope it is only after you have done product research. I will not talk in great length about the specifications of a product. Still, I will include the manufacturer’s web address or contact information so you can research the exact specifications.

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Panorama In Pieces

While away on a quick personal trip to Marietta, Georgia, I tried using my favorite point-and-shoot camera, the Fujifilm x100t for panorama making. Earlier in the week, I instructed my students to make a panorama using Lightroom (LR), vertical slice shots, and manual focus for their weekly shoot assignment. After a brief walk around Marietta Square, I thought I would try and photograph a beautiful church and challenge the software with vertical and horizontal slices to see if a tourist with a point-and-shoot camera could make a decent-looking panorama and then share the results with my students.

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Infrared Photography Part 2: Sigma SD1M

In Part 1 of this discussion, I explained my current foray into digital infrared (IR) photography and used the Sigma SD1M as my camera of choice. My reasons for choosing the SD1M are the user-friendly removal of the IR blocking filter, and the fact that I currently use the SD1M in my color art photography work. I like the Foveon sensor of the SD1M very much and if you want to use a Foveon sensor, you will have to use a Sigma camera.

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