

4×5 Film Holders: Care & Carry

In photography school, I was taught to use a pastry brush to clean the dust out of my film holders. I still use this technique today, and it works, or I would have changed it to something else long ago. Get a brush like this one and clean out your film holders periodically.

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Panorama In Pieces

While away on a quick personal trip to Marietta, Georgia, I tried using my favorite point-and-shoot camera, the Fujifilm x100t for panorama making. Earlier in the week, I instructed my students to make a panorama using Lightroom (LR), vertical slice shots, and manual focus for their weekly shoot assignment. After a brief walk around Marietta Square, I thought I would try and photograph a beautiful church and challenge the software with vertical and horizontal slices to see if a tourist with a point-and-shoot camera could make a decent-looking panorama and then share the results with my students.

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