ALPA has become my preferred medium format system in the digital age due to its precision, durability, lightweight design, and versatility. It performs admirably in studio settings with a digital back and in outdoor landscapes with film or digital capture.
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Digitizing Film Part 2: Software, Contact Sheets, Bracketing, Stitching, Workflow
I perform a number of tasks while creating image files that include bracketing + blending exposures, and slicing + stitching larger film sizes. Bracketing may not always be necessary, but with the convenience, a digital camera brings to this type of task, it cannot hurt.
Infrared Photography Part 1: Sigma SD1M
I first tried infrared (IR) photography back in the mid-1990s with a Nikon F3 camera and lenses and the now discontinued Kodak High-Speed Infrared film (Kodak HIE). It was more difficult to shoot IR film when compared to my recent tryout with IR digital because: (1) the film had to be loaded and unloaded in total darkness which made reloading out in the field difficult and (2), you had to wait for the film to be processed to see the results.