In this article, I share the previsualization technique that guides me to where I need to set up the camera.
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The Cutting Room Floor: A Creative Exploration Story
This article explores the rationale behind utilizing high-megapixel cameras or merging multiple images of a scene to produce a high-megapixel composite.
Film and Digital with Iconic Hasselblad Cameras
Discover how to balance between film and digital photography using two unique Hasselblad cameras from the V system. Explore the intricate dance between classic and contemporary methods in capturing artistic expression.
For those seeking the ultimate medium format camera system, look no further than Hasselblad. Renowned for its robust, modular design, Hasselblad cameras are built to withstand the rigors of a commercial photography career. With interchangeable components like lenses, viewfinders, film magazines, and digital backs, Hasselblad offers unparalleled flexibility and dependability. Whether shooting film or digital, on location or in the studio, Hasselblad’s V-series and digital backs deliver exceptional image quality and durability. Discover the timeless appeal and innovative features of Hasselblad, a trusted name in professional photography.
Digitizing Film Part 3: APS-C, Lightroom, Film Storage, more
I have been digitizing my film at the kitchen table with my very capable Kaiser RS 2 XA Copy Stand, Fujifilm X-Pro3, and Skier Sunray Copy Box. I have learned a few things from doing this and felt it was time for an update.
PHASE ONE P45 & FlexAdaptor
Digital backs are versatile gear for photography, allowing for interchangeable use with different cameras. In this article, we look at the P45 CCD back and the FlexAdaptor.
ALPA has become my preferred medium format system in the digital age due to its precision, durability, lightweight design, and versatility. It performs admirably in studio settings with a digital back and in outdoor landscapes with film or digital capture.
Digitizing Film Part 2: Software, Contact Sheets, Bracketing, Stitching, Workflow
I perform a number of tasks while creating image files that include bracketing + blending exposures, and slicing + stitching larger film sizes. Bracketing may not always be necessary, but with the convenience, a digital camera brings to this type of task, it cannot hurt.
Digitizing Film Part 1: Copy Stands, Film Holders, Medium Format
I often get asked by other photographers how I digitize my film. Explaining the tools and my digitizing process would create too long of a post, so I will start with what tools I use in this post and share my process later. The information I share about the tools I use is not meant to be a commercial for selling these products. If you choose to purchase what I share in this article, I hope it is only after you have done product research. I will not talk in great length about the specifications of a product. Still, I will include the manufacturer’s web address or contact information so you can research the exact specifications.