Shutter speed unlocks creative potential in photography—learn five techniques like motion blur, panning, and light painting to transform your images with artistic flair.
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Capturing Ethereal Glow with Extension Tubes
Discover photography with extension tubes! Learn how I captured the beauty of a flower using stacked tubes, an X-Pro2, and studio techniques.
Learn about the Fujifilm APS-C system, including the X-Pro, X100, and X-E2 cameras, Neopan Acros black-and-white film, and Instax film options. Explore the features, lenses, and accessories that make Fujifilm a favorite choice for photographers.
Digitizing Film Part 1: Copy Stands, Film Holders, Medium Format
I often get asked by other photographers how I digitize my film. Explaining the tools and my digitizing process would create too long of a post, so I will start with what tools I use in this post and share my process later. The information I share about the tools I use is not meant to be a commercial for selling these products. If you choose to purchase what I share in this article, I hope it is only after you have done product research. I will not talk in great length about the specifications of a product. Still, I will include the manufacturer’s web address or contact information so you can research the exact specifications.
Camera Bag Versatility
While assembling my Fuji X-Pro2 (XP2) kit, I began looking for a lightweight bag to store it all in. I wanted the bag to carry my lenses in cases and be easy to work out of from the back of a vehicle. I also use the XP2 in the studio, so the bag had to offer something. Would it be possible to find such a versatile bag?