


Explore the world of film photography with a detailed look at different film formats, darkroom tools, and film processing equipment. From favorite testing films to preferred film formats, this article delves into the author’s experiences and preferences in the realm of film photography.

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ALPA has become my preferred medium format system in the digital age due to its precision, durability, lightweight design, and versatility. It performs admirably in studio settings with a digital back and in outdoor landscapes with film or digital capture.
Considering the expenses associated with digital backs, lenses, and other accessories, the ALPA system is undoubtedly a high-end investment. Even in the secondary market, ALPA equipment commands significant prices, with certain lenses being particularly rare and challenging to find. Nonetheless, transitioning to the ALPA system was the ideal choice for me, as I was transitioning from primarily using Hasselblad and 4×5″ film cameras to medium format digital. I started with my first ALPA body, the MAX, in 2012, and I have no regrets and would gladly reinvest in the ALPA system if faced with the same circumstances.

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Shooting a Rolleiflex with Studio Flash and Rolleinars

In this fast-changing age of digital photography, one ingredient missing is a full frame square format camera or digital back. Yes, you can always crop off for a square, but this is not the same as looking through a dedicated square format camera’s viewfinder and being able to achieve full-resolution files. So, what does a photographer preferring the square format do? My option has always been to shoot square format film cameras.

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