In this post, we’ll explore various options for viewing frames—from ready-made tools like the ViewCatcher, to repurposing materials you might already have, and even crafting your own custom viewing frame.
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Capturing Clarity: A Guide to MTF Charts and Lens Sharpness
Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is used to describe how well a lens captures and reproduces details. This article explores the factors contributing to a high MTF.
Explore the world of film photography with a detailed look at different film formats, darkroom tools, and film processing equipment. From favorite testing films to preferred film formats, this article delves into the author’s experiences and preferences in the realm of film photography.
Modern Nature: Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George, by Coe, Robertson, & Owens
Georgia O’Keeffe’s work, filled with color and a blend of abstraction and reality, has captivated me since childhood.