Inspiration isn’t about grand gestures—it’s about finding magic in the ordinary. Embrace small spaces, favorite subjects, and light to reignite creativity.
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Exploring 40 Years of Photography, Art, and Knowledge
As undergoes a transformation from selling prints to sharing information, a seasoned commercial artist and photographer with 40 years of experience offers insights into camera gear, film photography, and upcoming projects.
Explore the world of film photography with a detailed look at different film formats, darkroom tools, and film processing equipment. From favorite testing films to preferred film formats, this article delves into the author’s experiences and preferences in the realm of film photography.
I have shot with Nikon cameras since the start of my commercial career, beginning with a black F3HP purchased new from the counter at 47th Street Photo in 1985. However, I no longer shoot Nikon DSLRs today because I switched to APS-C mirrorless after they became good enough. My first digital DSLR was the Nikon D200, and my last was the beautiful D700. My instructor’s camera was the D750 I selected and used, but it was the college’s property where I taught. My film “Mommy Camera” was the 35Ti, and it served me well, capturing precious memories of my son as he grew up. The 35Ti was small, quick, and precise, with a lens that suited my shooting needs. Even though I no longer shoot digital Nikons, I occasionally shoot an F3/T film camera. However, Nikon large format lenses were my choice after returning to a large format kit a few years after I left it for medium format digital.
Exploring the journey from the Canon AE-1 to Nikon DSLRs, this article delves into the author’s experiences with both camera brands, highlighting the unique features and memories associated with each.