For those seeking the ultimate medium format camera system, look no further than Hasselblad. Renowned for its robust, modular design, Hasselblad cameras are built to withstand the rigors of a commercial photography career. With interchangeable components like lenses, viewfinders, film magazines, and digital backs, Hasselblad offers unparalleled flexibility and dependability. Whether shooting film or digital, on location or in the studio, Hasselblad’s V-series and digital backs deliver exceptional image quality and durability. Discover the timeless appeal and innovative features of Hasselblad, a trusted name in professional photography.
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Learn about the Fujifilm APS-C system, including the X-Pro, X100, and X-E2 cameras, Neopan Acros black-and-white film, and Instax film options. Explore the features, lenses, and accessories that make Fujifilm a favorite choice for photographers.
Explore the world of film photography with a detailed look at different film formats, darkroom tools, and film processing equipment. From favorite testing films to preferred film formats, this article delves into the author’s experiences and preferences in the realm of film photography.
Black & White Film Clip Testing
A film clip test can reveal if your developer and fixer are in good working order. If you enjoy shooting B&W films and want to learn how to develop your film (see my article on how to develop B&W film here), you should include learning how to do a film clip test. I have listened to photographers over the years say how they lost film to a bad developer (it can happen), or their reusable fixer reached its limit, and they made the mistake of using it one more time, only to find out it was too weak to do the work. If these photographers had only done a simple film clip test before they started the development process, it could have saved them their film and disappointment. This article outlines how I do my film clip tests.