[ RODENSTOCK LENSES: 35/4.5, 40/4, 135/5.6, 180/5.6, 240/5.6 ]
LENSES (cont.): 240/5.6 APO-Sironar-S, Sironar N 210mm f/5.6 MC Sinar DB Lens
RODENSTOCK FILTERS: Center Filter E58/77 (65/4.5 Grandagon-N)
FILTERS (cont.): 405240 52mm Slim Circular Polarizer, 404940 49mm Slim Circular Polarizer
FILTERS (cont.): Digital Pro MC UV Blocking Filters
RODENSTOCK ENLARGER LENSES: Rodenstock Rodagon 50mm/2.8, Rodenstock Rodagon 80mm/4
Rodenstock large format lenses are some of the best I have owned and used. The two enlarger lenses I had for medium format and 135 films were excellent performers in the darkroom. I continue to use Rodenstock lens filters today. Still, the only Rodenstock large format lenses in my kit now are the lovely 65/4.5 Grandagon-N with center filter and the Sironar N 210mm f/5.6 MC Sinar DB Lens for studio product work.
I sold off most of my large format 4×5 gear when medium format digital tech cameras appeared on the scene. After seven years of missing a 4×5 field camera for film work, I decided to rebuild a 4×5 kit. This time my preference would go to Nikon for large-format lenses. I chose Nikon for a couple of reasons, (1) they are just as good as the German lens makers: Schneider and Rodenstock; (2) since giving up Nikon DSLR cameras, I want to show some love to Nikon (I still shoot an F3), and (3) a few favorite landscape photographers shoot Nikon large format lenses, so I know they are great lenses.
Because Copal shutters are no longer manufactured, buying certain large format lenses can be harder to find and a bit pricy. Lenses from the top four large format lens producers: Rodenstock, Schneider, Nikon, and Fujifilm, will suffice when building a 4×5 or larger format kit. I plan on keeping the excellent 65/4.5 Grandagon-N and center filter in my kit as I enjoy using it when shooting the 6×12 panoramic format with my 4×5 field camera.