Hokkaido, by Michael Kenna

[ HOKKAIDO, IMAGES © MICHAEL KENNA ] Michael Kenna’s Hokkaido is a visual and emotional journey through Japan’s northernmost island’s serene and mystical landscapes. Known for his minimalist and contemplative approach to photography, Kenna captures...

Certain Places, by William Clift

[ CERTAIN PLACES IMAGES ©WILLIAM CLIFT ] This slim and modestly sized book, comprised of only 22 monochrome photographs, ranks as my favorite photo book in my collection. It showcases various subjects, including the landscapes of New Mexico, Mont Saint Michel, public...

Iowa, by Nancy Rexroth

[ A SELECTION OF IMAGES FROM IOWA (c) NANCY REXROTH ] Nancy Rexroth’s photography book, IOWA, is a unique collection of images taken not in Iowa (one image is however) but in southeastern Ohio in the early 1970s. Rexroth uses the Diana camera to capture scenes...