A break from the technical—three humorous photos with a playful twist, inspired by roadside scenes, lucky timing, and a sense of humor.
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Mamiya cameras have a rich history among both professional and amateur photographers. I first encountered Mamiya cameras when I began my career in wedding photography during the film era. While the Mamiya 645 was popular, I ultimately chose the Hasselblad 6×6 format. Later, I acquired an RB67 Pro SD but found it too heavy to carry and passed it on to an assistant. I shot with an RZ67 Pro IID and a Phase One P45 when medium-format digital became practical. While the RZ was excellent for film or tethered shooting in the studio, I passed it on to a ‘film-only photographer’ after a few frustrating portrait shoots. Live View has made focusing on the RZ much easier, as with my old film Hasselblads. You cannot go wrong with Mamiya film cameras and lenses; they still hold a special place in my heart and camera bag.