Old Church School

by | August 25th, 2024 | behind the lens

Camera: Alpa Max
Lens: Schneider Apo-Digitar 47 f/5.6 XL
Digital: 39 MP [49×37] CCD
Software: Adobe Lightroom

   Location: Madison County, FL
   Date: 2012
   Lighting: Daylight
   Insights: Encapsulated Rural Past

I had been living in Tallahassee for five years, gradually extending my photographic journeys eastward. Entering Madison County felt like stepping into an encapsulated rural past. As I drove, remnants of a once-thriving settlement caught my eye—abandoned homes and buildings surrendered to nature’s embrace. Among these relics, the Old Church School drew me in, but I did not stop immediately.

Instead, I took a brief detour down an old dirt road, which also led to an ancient cemetery. While stopping at the cemetery, I felt as if I were being watched. Even Rusty, my loyal dog, appeared anxious, his uneasy glances urging us to move on. So, I decided to leave the cemetery exploration for another day.

Back at the Old Church School, Rusty and I cautiously exited the vehicle. The slightly opened door ahead of us thickened the air with an unshakable eeriness. I opted to photograph the building from a distance, steering clear of the foreboding door. Rusty took cover under the FJ Cruiser, finding shade from the heat on this cloud-filled summer day, perfect for a photography excursion.

I took my time setting up the Alpa Max on the tripod, as the risk of dropping the ground glass or the digital back was always a concern. I used the ground glass for framing—this was before digital backs came with Live View. I attached the Phase One P45 and the Alpa-Schneider 47/5.6 XL lens, fine-tuning the camera for the perfect shot and bracketing exposures as I usually do.

Once I uploaded the images to Lightroom, the building transformed. Despite the ominous open door, it took on a whimsical, almost storybook quality in my edits. This particular image has since become a favorite, cherished by those who appreciate its blend of art and history. The Old Church School stands as a testament to the enduring beauty found even in abandonment.

Reflecting on that day, with Rusty by my side—a beautiful soul who ascended to heaven a few years after this summer day adventure—I’m reminded of the deep connections between our present explorations and the timeless narratives embedded in the world around us. These journeys fulfill a profound curiosity and enrich my soul, continuously propelling me toward new discoveries, eager to capture the next story through my lens.


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